
Superfluous ramblings

other irrelevancy about your's truly..take notes if you will

Saturday, November 01, 2003

okay.. heres random stuff about me you should know, or may already know...
-i have puttputt rage...what is that exactly..well its when a person does not have the patience to putt, and hits the ball so hard it flys 3 courses over
-i am semi-dyslexic...so never EVER ask me for directions because I will be sure to tell you all the lefts and rights backwards...
-I have hermit-ish tendancies which mean i often dont go to things, simply cause..."i dont feel like it"
-all that crap in english that hurts your brain, and is hard to understand...I love..i revel in it..give me jane Austen novels, or A clockwork Orange anyday over Fences.
-the previous fact is another reason as to my exorbitantly large vocab, which i often use, without thinking about and get funny looks from people.
-i looooooove banana milk shakes
-i talk in my sleep basically all the time...many people have witnessed it, and a few have even witnessed me walking around...thank god i never reveal my innermost secrets though..only gibberish
-i find it weird that i share so many interests with boys, yet have no desire what so ever to be a boy...i enjoy the skirts, gossip, and girlishness...and equally enjoy the cars, baseball, and classic rock.
-i eat an insane amount of junk food..and probably should cut down a little...but hey food is meant to be enjoyed, not picked apart...

posted by Jennifer  # 6:50 PM


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